Société Internationale Jean-Baptiste Say Jean-Baptiste Say International Society (SAYS)
Association placée sous le régime de la loi de 1901
The J.B. Say International Society (SAYS) was created in 2012. It is located at Auchy les Hesdin, a town of the Pas de Calais department (North of France) where Jean-Baptiste Say leaved and founded in 1807 a spinning mill which he managed during eight years.
SAYS has been created by scholars in economics and history and by public institutions with the following aims:
- To develop and diffuse the scientific work of Jean-Baptiste Say;
- To organize seminars, conferences and symposiums on J.B. Say’s work and on linked topics;
- To create and implement specific projects (cultural events, exhibitions, research programs and socio-economic studies, socio-economic models…)
- To write and diffuse books, journals, information letters related to J.B. Say’s writings;
- To contribute to the renewal of the cotton mill of Auchy-les-Hesdin;
- To contribute to local development.
Membres fondateurs de la Société Jean-Baptiste Say / Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation
Laurice Alexandre (Univ. Paris 5) / Sophie Boutillier (Univ. Littoral) / Antje Burmeister (IFFSTAR) / Bernard Delmas (Univ. Lille 1) / Thierry Demals (Univ. Lille 1) / Arnaud Diemer (Univ. Clermont Ferrand) / Faridah Djellal (Univ. Lille 1) / Faïz Gallouj (Univ. Lille 1) / Alexandra Hyard (Univ. Lille 1) / Blandine Laperche (Univ. Littoral) / Pierre Le Masne (Univ. Poitiers) / Serge Le Roux (Entrepreneur) / Zeting Liu (Univ. Du Littoral) / Céline Merlin (Univ. Lille 1) / Antonin Michelet (Paris Saclay) / Patrice Noailles (Entrepreneur) / Jean-Pierre Potier (Univ. Lyon 2) / Joël Ravix (Univ. Nice) / Corinne Tanguy (INRA Dijon) / André Tiran (Univ. Lyon 2) / Ramon Tortajada (Univ. Grenoble 2) / Faruk Ulgen (Univ. Grenoble 2) /
Dimitri Uzunidis (Univ. Littoral) / Marian Wielezynski (chercheur) /